Laser Hair Removal in Freeland, MI

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is a cutting-edge aesthetic procedure offered at Evolution Aesthetics in Freeland, MI. This advanced treatment uses concentrated light beams to target and destroy hair follicles, inhibiting future hair growth. Suitable for various areas of the body, including the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, and more, Laser Hair Removal provides a solution for those seeking a smoother, hair-free appearance. Whether you’re tired of the constant cycle of shaving, waxing, or tweezing, this treatment is designed for individuals who desire long-lasting results. Typically, patients notice a significant reduction in hair after several sessions. The results can last for months to years, depending on individual factors. If you’re ready to embrace a smoother, more confident you, don’t hesitate – book your appointment at Evolution Aesthetics today.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:
  • Effective Hair Reduction: Achieve a noticeable reduction in hair growth
  • Long-lasting Results: Say goodbye to frequent shaving and waxing
  • Safe for Various Skin Types: Suitable for different skin tones and types
  • Precision: Targets hair follicles without damaging surrounding skin
  • Quick Sessions: Each session can be as short as a few minutes to an hour, depending on the area
  • Minimal Discomfort: Less painful than waxing and other hair removal methods
  • Cost-effective in the Long Run: Reduce expenses on razors, waxing, and creams
  • No More Ingrown Hairs: Eliminate the risk of painful and unsightly ingrowns
  • Boosted Confidence: Feel confident in any outfit, any time of the year
  • Convenient: Fewer sessions than traditional methods with lasting results.

The Treatment

Prior to the procedure, the area will be cleansed, and you may be given a topical anesthetic to numb the area. Our fillers also contain lidocaine, a gentle anesthetic that minimizes discomfort throughout your treatment. We’ll inject a customized dosage of filler beneath the skin. Depending on the filler type and area, you’ll see visible results instantly.


Most individuals seeking to reduce or eliminate unwanted hair are good candidates. However, it’s essential to consult with a specialist at Evolution Aesthetics to determine your specific suitability.

Many patients notice a reduction after the first session, but optimal results typically require multiple treatments spaced a few weeks apart.

Results can vary, but many patients enjoy hair-free skin for months to years. Periodic maintenance treatments might be recommended.

There’s minimal downtime. Some patients might experience temporary redness or swelling, but these typically subside quickly.

Before treatment, avoid sun exposure and tanning. After treatment, protect the area from the sun, avoid hot showers for a day, and use a gentle moisturizer.

You’ll wear protective eyewear, and a cooling gel might be applied to the area. The laser device will then be used to target hair follicles. Some patients feel a slight snapping sensation, but discomfort is generally minimal.

Schedule a Consultation Today

it’s our passion to help you too. Are you ready to love the skin you’re in? Let us help you.

It is our passion to help others feel more confident in their own skin! We would love to meet you and discuss your aesthetic concerns/desires.

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$50 deposit for a consultation that applies to your first service

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